Friday, 13 April 2018

Another short story

Self portrait by 6 year old speccy swot
Self portrait, 1970
This is from the same treasure trove of school reports and toddler artwork as the previous story, but was written a few years earlier, when I was 6 or 7. Again I am copying verbatim - spelling and punctuation left entirely unchanged, although I have substituted my blog name for my real name.
If a magician gave me one wish I would say "I will save it untill I went to have a holiday and I would try to be famous and I would ask for a pair of wings that will never never break and I would fly over the town and everybody would look up at me and say "look who is that up in the clouds. and I would shout It is me [Lola Blogger] with wings to fly with. Oh it is lovely up here. "I wish we were up there." the people will say.
I suppose I'm still trying to be famous, although in my world 'famous' means appearing on Radio 4 rather than being recognised in the street. And, of course, I still want to be able to fly.

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