Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Nothing to see here

Distorted reflections of buildings in office block windows
Rio de Janeiro, April 2019
It's a week since my last blog post but there's nothing even remotely interesting to tell. Not that I haven't been busy, of course I have, with the usual badminton, Buddhists and work. But you've heard plenty about all of those and there's nothing new, not even anything in the realm of the LTRP to report. There's not a 'What I've been reading' post ready either because I've been doing surprisingly little reading - I've got through a couple of audio books but I've been stuck on the same print books since before I went to Brazil.

I have guests coming at the weekend so beds to make and catering to consider (and more cleaning) and a few less attractive jobs that I've been putting off. So I'm off to do that, and then it's the Peace Festival at the weekend where I know there will be stories to tell. Until next week, then.

Camouflaged moth on tree trunk
Spot the moth!

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